We are always looking for opportunities for our students to perform

Many of our dance teams are  invited to various venues around the Bay Area.

The sjDANCEco Dance Festival is one of our favorites. April 2022 was their 20th year.  The Spring Festival brings the dance community together. Performances will last all day, with 15 minute classes interspersed. Ballet, Hip-Hop, K-Pop, Hula, Classical and more. And it’s free to attend.

Our dance teams are always crowd pleasers.

"Live like you'll die tomorrow, work like you don't need the money, and dance like nobody's watching." Bob Fosse

"We learn by practice. Whether it means to learn to dance by practicing dancing or to learn to live by practicing living, the principles are the same." Martha Graham

"I see dance being used as communication between body and soul, to express what it too deep to find for words."

Ruth St. Denis


We Have Two Locations: the Los Gatos Recreation Center and the Joan Pisani Community Center